PawN: Not as good as you say he is.

Okay, so I chose to open the discussion of this here since I felt there needed to be more than 140 characters to discuss the topic. PawN's Background - Something that is drastically overlooked within PawN's career is where he came from.

Toxicity: Villainizing Frustration in LoL

What is Toxicity? Well, the word itself is defined by the degree of which a substance can damage an organism. Toxic Behavior is defined by behavior in which a specific player or act can harm the overall experience of another player.

“Upset Potential” – An Analytical Fallacy

Upset Potential an Analytical Fallacy This is a specific topic that I think exists very prominently in the Western scene and it leads to a lot of flawed and biassed opinions on matters as well as poorly managed and unrealistic expectati...
